domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

Weeaboo Horror Stories.

well, i guess it's time for another post in english.
Have you ever had a friend who's just so into japanese entetainment and/or it's culture (or they're twisted vision of japanese culture) that they start acting weird?, well if you said yeas, you're not the only one, and the site "Weeaboo Horror Stories" is the proof of that, it compiles a lot of anonymous submissions from a lot diferent people who have encountered these strange creatures called "weeaboos" and lived to tell the tale, this stories range from silly, awkward and cringe inducing to downright insane with suicide attempts and all that jazz.

"What are weeaboos?" you ask, well the site defines it:
Things that don’t make people a weeaboo:
Liking anime
Liking manga
Being interested in Japanese culture or language
Enjoying Japanese video games/rpg games
Wearing clothing items or carrying bags with anime-related pictures on them
Owning any other merchandise related to the above things

Things that make people a weeaboo:
Being a complete and total disrespectful asshole who thinks that liking Japan makes them superior to everyone else.

Here is and example of a story from the site:

Me: Doodle
Friend: Spitfire
Weeb: R

Let me just say, this kind of a lengthy tale that took place over several years.

In the fifth grade, a girl moved into town. She was average looking, with slightly frizzy hair and wire frame glasses. She had been there a week, it seemed she was having a tough time making friends. Knowing the feeling of being an outcast myself, I decided to extend a hand of friendship.

She said her name was R. We chatted for a few moments, talking about fovorite colors and whatnot when suddenly, she completely changed topic. She started telling me about how her mother was part of a satanic cult containing many people. She also claimed to have been raped by her homosexual father, and was raised to a be sacrificed to Satan. I researched this a while later, and she’s a godawful liar.

Being a fifth grader, my bullshit detector wasn’t working at full capacity I was absolutely stunned and didn’t know what to say. And just like that, she went right back to the original subject. I decided to let this slide and we struck a friendship.

So, I had invited the vampire inside, and was going to have to live with it.

Now, I soon found out R was a big Star Wars geek. She wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. Everyday, I had to listen to her talk about how Luke Skywalker was her boyfriend and other weeby stuff. Along with this, I discovered she was a very obnoxious person. She would interuppt science class to rant about God or Star Wars, made racist and homophobic remarka, and often just made a damn fool of herself. I was starting to figure out that this girl was some seriously bad news. Then, in the beginning of sixth grade, Spitfire moved to town.

He was a tall, skinny guy with a quick wit and introverted demeanor. And guess what? He like Star Wars too. R was instantly in love.

She started following him around school, wrote him love notes, and called them soul mates. he had never even spoken to this girl before and was seriously getting creeped out. So, not wanting to get to close to her, he decided to come to me, her “friend”.

He asked me to tell her to back off, to which I sheepishly replied that she wouldn’t let that stop her. I explained how she seemed unable to take a hint, and how I was slowly trying to cut her off from me. So, I offered to be a sort of body guard. He agreed and a deal was struck.

From then on, whenever she tried to get near, I would distract her or block her somehow. It worked for a while, until close to the end of the school year, when Spitfire got his first girlfriend.

R was not happy. She would constantly whine about how Spitfire had broken her fragile heart and how they were meant to be together. In a rare moment of courage, I told her to grow up. She reacted as expected, with horror and anger. We didn’t talk until the end of the year, at the Grade Six “Graduation” Ceremony.

Then thing had just ended and we were all helping clean up. Spitfire is chatting with his girlfriend and me when R storms over, grabs the girl and shoves her into a stack of chairs. A teacher ran up and asked what happened. After we explained, R was pulled away and bitched out by several teachers. The day ended and we went home.

The next year, R seemed to have forgotten the incident and assumed we were all friends. Spitfire and me still thought she could be handled, so we begrudgingly tolerate her.

So, first day of seventh grade. I had been having confusing thoughts all summer, and not knowing what else to call the weird feeling, I figured I must be gay. I “came out” and recived a lot of “cools” or “whatevs”. Except from R.

She stared at me with wide eyes. “You’re GAY?"

"I think so. I’m not sure, so just keep it on the down low. Okay?”

The bell rang and we went to our classes, excited for a brand new year. Except, after a few weeks, I notice something strange.

Girls (and some guys) in the hall would shrink away from me or just look at me with utter loatghing. I was chased out of the locker room during gym, no one talked to me in class, and everyone was just being dicks. So, I finally asked Spitfire what the hell was going on.

“You don’t know?” He look really suprised, then just shook his head.

“Know what?"

"R has been telling everyone you tried to assualt her.”

I freaked the fuck out. I went home sobbing my eyes out and refused to talk. Soon, my older sister found me and manage to to get me to spill my guts. She was livid. She whipped out her phone and started texting everyone she knew (a lot). I dunno what she did, but the next day, everything was back to normal. I suddenly respected ( and feared) my sister a whole lot more.

Soon, R transferred and things were smooth sailing. Spitfire came out as gay, I figured out that I was trans, and our circle of friends grew.

But then, she had to come waltzing back into our lives in the tenth grade. Her crush on Spitfire never really diminished, so when she found he was gay, she was heartbroken. And that heartbreak turned to loathing. She would call him homophobic slurs, tell him he was going to hell, ect. But Spitfire was no longer the skinny geek I grew up with. He had grown over six feet, gotten pretty buff, and had a legion of friends to back him up (including me). He wasn’t taking none of her shit, and he wasn’t afraid to tell her off.

I too had changed a bit since middle school. I was more cynical, skeptical, and had grown to be a smart ass. I had always had a masculine form and face, so passing was pretty easy. My teachers and peers usually respected my identity and aside for occasional dysphoria and crippling depression, I was doing good.

But then, in her loneliness, she decided to once again latch onto me.

As soon as she saw me, she squealed “*Insert Girly Birth Name*! I’m so happy to see you!” I was mortified. Did she seriously think I was just gonna forget all that shit she pulled last time we saw eachother? Then, she hugged me (I was highly uncomfortable) and said, “why are you dressed like a boy?”

“Cause I am a boy.”

“No you’re not, silly! You’re a girl!”

Thank God, Spitfire swooped into the rescue and dragged me away. I prayed that she wasn’t in any of my classes.

Science, Health, and the Gifted group. Since ourschool has four 1 ½ hours classes instead of eight 1 hour long ones, I had to spend most of my day with this girl. And she couldn’t seem to accept that I wanted nothing to do with her. For some bizarre reason, neither did the teachers. They all assumed I was her “friend” and would pair me up with her. I guess I was the only one who could keep her under control. I explain our history to them and they let me work alone and shoved her in another group. Except the health teacher.

I guess she though R was just “complicated”. She ignored her homo/transphobia and refused to let me transfer out of the class. “You can’t blame her for not liking homosexuals, considering her father.”

Are you fucking kidding me!?

So, I was stuck with her. Everyday, id try to work, and she would just jabber on about anime and Star Wars. Then she started calling me “kawaii” and other bullshit. All this, mixed with some Bible thumping, some gay bashing, and a cup of shitty fan art, making the nice batch of fuckery that was my life.

One day, we were alone in the Gifted room. I was way on the other side of the room working, when she starts asking questions. Invasive, offensive questions.

She started asking if I was raped and that’s why I want to be a boy, if I tried just being a girl, was I doing because I wanted be with Spitfire, ect. What the actual fuck?

I tried to control my anger and told that I’m a boy because I just am, and that those questions were uncalled for. She gets pissed at me, telling me how I’m going to burn in hell with my “stupid faggot friends”.

I fucking lost it. I was crying/laughing cuz I was so pissed. I said some stuff I probably shouldn’t have, but it felt justified. I told I had put up with her crap for too damn long, that she needed to grow up and stop making up bullshit stories so people will pity her, that she was just a hateful ignorant brat who needed to wake the fuck up.

By the end of I my rant, I was shaking and she was crying. She called (in true weeaboo fashion) a baka and ran out of the room. The teacher finally came back from her meeting and I explained everything.

Later, I was called to the vice principal’s office. He was a sweet guy, and I always had a strange fondness for him. Apparently R had filed a bullying complaint against me. I was so fucking exhausted and told his to call the Gifted teacher. They talked and eventually, R was pulled into the office with us.

Our guardians were called and we were told to stay after school so they could sort it out. So, I once again told them what had happened and my history with R. Her parents were appalled they’re daughter would lie so much about so mant things. In the end, we were both given detention and I was allowed to transfer into different classes. Last I heard, she moved away again. I fucking hope she doesn’t come back.

for more weeaboo horror stories:
even though the site isn't very active anymore, the stories there are a very good read, so just enjoy the craziness of weebs, see ya.

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